Sunday, January 31, 2010


For this photo, I set the exposure as low as my
camera would let me and the white balance effect
at tungsten. Having the background darker helps keep the
focus on the candles, which was my goal.
I set the exposure up one and the white
balance at the tungsten effect in this photo. My
intended focus point was the ball and paddles
at the end of the table with the net leading
to it. I set the exposure down one and the white
balance at the tungsten effect in this photo. My
intended focus was the marshmallows and
include different ranged of focus.
For this photo, I set the exposure down one
and the white balance at daylight fluorescent.
The snow gave the photo a blue tint and I 
did not want that, so I set the exposure at a 
darker setting. 

Thursday, January 28, 2010


To enhance this photo, I used the effect "shade" under the white balance option on my digital camera. The sun was shining yet it was still a very cold day, so the effect gave the photo an overall warm feeling. By using the effect, it made the scene look more spring then winter.

This is another one of my favorite photos out of the bunch that I took. Like the other photo, I used the effect "shade" under the white balance option on my digital camera. The sun was low in the sky when I took this picture so it does not have much color except different shades of blue. It was another cold day so the shade of blue on everything works.

This has to be my favorite photo. I used the effect "daylight fluorescent" under the white balance option on my digital camera. The sun was once again low in the sky, but light bouncing off the water gave the photo a glow. The different colors of clothes really helped enhance the photo also.